
“We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 (NIV) Today, I know that God works out all things for good. I have confidence that God can take my challenges and my unpleasant…


“When we met, that first night on Friday… there was no light in any of us. Our eyes were dull, our expressions empty. We stood at first, distant from one another in a sort of ragged circle, acknowledging introduction, accepting nothing. We stood like puppets with invisible strings holding us…

Rosemary and Joey

On a trip to Mexico, her parents’ homeland, Rosemary was visiting a chapel for adoration when she heard a voice say, “I have forgiven you; now forgive yourself.” “I walked out shocked,” she said. “I knew in my heart it was the abortion I’d had 33 years earlier.” When she…


Dear Post Abortive Friend, Like you, I was buried in shame and remorse for a long time before I sought help. The pain I carried for 25 years was eating at me and hurting my marriage. My struggles began before I even had the abortion. I was a young woman…


My first pregnancy was complicated by an illness. I was told the baby might have birth defects. I let this change my mind from keeping the baby. I didn’t consider the fact that I was playing God, deciding whether this baby lived or died because I had been told it…