Abortion hurts Women … and Men Please read this article from the National Catholic Register about how much healing is available for the fathers of aborted children. If you, or someone you love, is hurting from a past abortion — whether your child, or if you helped a friend to…
Rachel’s Vineyard’s Post-abortion ministry helps couples like Rosemary and Joey Medeiros heal…
Rachel’s Vineyard’s Post-abortion ministry helps couples like Rosemary and Joey Medeiros heal… On a trip to Mexico, her parents’ homeland, Rosemary Medeiros was visiting a chapel for adoration when she heard a voice say, “I have forgiven you; now forgive yourself.” “I walked out shocked,” she said. “I knew in…
By His Wounds, We are Healed
Every human being is wounded. Some of us are wounded by sins committed against us — injustices, abuse, violations of our human rights and/or our dignity as children of God. Some of our wounds are self-inflicted — wounds that stem from our own pride, anger, lust, envy, etc. There may…
A Safe Place to Grieve
Why should a woman (or man) who has been involved in an abortion make a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat? One reason is that, when there is a death, there is a need to grieve the loss of that person who is no longer in our lives. With every abortion, there is…
Powerful Testimony about Wounds of Abortion and Healing through Rachel’s Vineyard
On January 27, 2015, Fr. Ben Cameron was the guest on “The Inner Life” radio program on Relevant Radio. During that interview, a woman called in with a powerful testimony regarding the pain that she experienced following her abortion, and the incredible healing that she has experienced through making a…
Depression at Christmas
For many people, the joyous season of Christmas is NOT a time of joy. For them, it is a time of depression and sorrow. Why would such a joyful time as the annual celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ be a time of depression and sorrow? For some, it…
A Woman’s Testimony to Healing After Abortion
On October 28th, Fr. Ben Cameron was on “The Inner Life” radio show on Relevant Radio; the subject was “Healing and Holiness After Abortion.” We would encourage everyone to listen to this short segment with an anonymous woman from Texas giving her testimony to healing: