My Dear Sister/Brother in the Lord: How far and how long can we run and hide from the pain? This had been the constant in my very being. After 37 years,I finally came clean in confession.I was told to pray about attending a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat. I was full of…
Testimony to Healing by a Married Couple
Our experience at Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat What a gift from GOD when we have priests who are persistent in God’s plan. Our story about Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat is unique. We moved to Kentucky about 8 yrs ago. My husband and I and our teenage children were invited to The Fathers…
Abortion Hurts Women and Men
ABORTION HURTS WOMEN AND MEN (by Debbie Ward) This article was originally published in the Western Kentucky Catholic The title of this writing was chosen by Sara Jane (not her real name) who wrote the following testimony of her abortion and her experience of God’s mercy and healing . She…
What People Don’t Know: C’s story of healing
What People Don’t Know This story was originally published in the Western Kentucky Catholic You never know what someone is going through, whether they are your coworkers, friends, or family unless they tell you. Well, with most traumatic events, they are not going to tell you. So always be careful…
Michele’s story of hope and healing after abortion
Michele’s story Shortly after my conversion to acceptance of the Christian faith, the Lord put me into a situation with a Catholic friend who asserted that women who got pregnant did so out of carelessness. The correct use of birth control would prevent unwanted pregnancies. Outraged by her claims, and…