Michele’s story Shortly after my conversion to acceptance of the Christian faith, the Lord put me into a situation with a Catholic friend who asserted that women who got pregnant did so out of carelessness. The correct use of birth control would prevent unwanted pregnancies. Outraged by her claims, and…
Powerful Testimony about Wounds of Abortion and Healing through Rachel’s Vineyard
On January 27, 2015, Fr. Ben Cameron was the guest on “The Inner Life” radio program on Relevant Radio. During that interview, a woman called in with a powerful testimony regarding the pain that she experienced following her abortion, and the incredible healing that she has experienced through making a…
Depression at Christmas
For many people, the joyous season of Christmas is NOT a time of joy. For them, it is a time of depression and sorrow. Why would such a joyful time as the annual celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ be a time of depression and sorrow? For some, it…
A Woman’s Testimony to Healing After Abortion
On October 28th, Fr. Ben Cameron was on “The Inner Life” radio show on Relevant Radio; the subject was “Healing and Holiness After Abortion.” We would encourage everyone to listen to this short segment with an anonymous woman from Texas giving her testimony to healing:
Why Rachel’s Vineyard Works: Love
When we ask the question, “why does Rachel’s Vineyard work for the healing of the wounds of abortion?” the answer comes down to one word: Love. Unlike our broken world, which all too often equivocates the word love (“I love Mom” “I love ice cream” “I love God”, etc.), we…
Our New Facebook page
Rachel’s Vineyard of Kentucky now has a Facebook page: facebook.com/hopeafterabortionky Please visit our Facebook page, and share it with your family and friends — we want to reach as many women and men as possible with the message that there is both Hope and Healing after abortion! And please feel…
Why Rachel’s Vineyard: Healing of Broken Relationships
When a woman goes to an abortion clinic, it is usually the end result of a whole string of circumstances in her life — in other words, it is not NORMALLY a “cold hearted decision to kill her baby” as some pro-lifers might be inclined to think. Some of these…