Rachel’s Vineyard’s Post-abortion ministry helps couples like Rosemary and Joey Medeiros heal… On a trip to Mexico, her parents’ homeland, Rosemary Medeiros was visiting a chapel for adoration when she heard a voice say, “I have forgiven you; now forgive yourself.” “I walked out shocked,” she said. “I knew in…
Recommended Book on Post-Abortion Healing
Fr. Ben Cameron has published a blog-post on the Fathers of Mercy website about a new book related to post-abortion healing. We recommend this book by Shawna Arnold: From Darkness into Light by Shawna Arnold
Can God Forgive Abortion?
Fr. Ben Cameron was asked the question: “Can God forgive abortion?” in a radio interview recently. His response: Absolutely!! Listen as he explains why and how God, not only can, but wants for forgive and heal us from abortion: If you, or someone you love, has been wounded by abortion,…
Brief conversation about healing from abortion
Listen to a brief conversation about healing the wounds of abortion: Rachel’s Vineyard of Western Kentucky will be holding a weekend retreat October 8- 10, 2021 for the Healing of the Wounds of Abortion. If you, or someone you love, has had an abortion, this retreat can be a powerful…
Roe v. Wade: 45 years later:
On January 22, 2018, we commemorate the 45th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize abortion in the United States. In these 45 years, there have been over 60 million abortions – surgical abortions – in this country! That does not include abortions caused by the “birth control pill,”…