Our Kentucky team leader, Fr. Ben Cameron, was recently interviewed on “EWTN Bookmark” with Doug Keck. They discussed Fr. Ben’s recent book, Healing the Deepest Wounds: A Pastoral Guide to Abortion, Trauma and Grief. Watch this episode to learn more about our ministry of bringing forgiveness and healing to those…
At Home with Jim and Joy Show
Fr. Ben Cameron, the President of Rachel’s Vineyard of Bowling Green (which conducts Rachel’s Vineyard retreats in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama), was recently on the “At Home with Jim and Joy” show on EWTN. Jim and Joy Pinto interviewed Fr. Ben about his recent book, Healing the Deepest Wounds: A…
Men need healing from abortion
Kevin Burke, from Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries, and I were on the “Just Ask Janet” show to talk about Men and Abortion. You can watch it here:
God’s Forgiveness and Mercy is All-Powerful
Our Spiritual Director, Fr. Ben Cameron, appeared on the “Oceans of Mercy” program with Kevin Burke to discuss how God can and is willing to forgive every sin, if only people repent and return to Him. He illustrated this with examples of some notorious sinners, such as George Jacques Danton…
Can God Forgive Abortion?
Fr. Ben Cameron was asked the question: “Can God forgive abortion?” in a radio interview recently. His response: Absolutely!! Listen as he explains why and how God, not only can, but wants for forgive and heal us from abortion: If you, or someone you love, has been wounded by abortion,…
What Can I Do After Rachel’s Vineyard to Continue Healing?
After making a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat for the healing of the wounds of abortion, many people might ask: “What do I do now? How do I continue healing?” Some people find that some follow-up counseling can be very helpful; others find that going deeper in their relationship with Our Lord…
Carol’s Testimony of Healing after Abortion
During a recent radio interview, a lady named Carol called in from Illinois to share her story of how abortion affected her, and how she continues to receive healing from the wounds from her abortion: If you, or someone you love, has been wounded by abortion, we invite you to…