“Why Rachel’s Vineyard is effective for healing the wounds of abortion”
Millions of women and men are hurting from abortion today. There are hundreds, maybe even thousands, of crisis pregnancy centers that offer post-abortion counseling and/or Bible studies. There are a number of organizations that offer post-abortion counseling. So with all these choices, why should one make a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat? What makes Rachel’s Vineyard different from all the others? What makes Rachel’s Vineyard so effective in healing the wounds of abortion?
I would like to attempt to answer these questions in a series of posts, in which I will lay out for your consideration the reasons why I think that Rachel’s Vineyard retreats are so effective for the healing of the wounds of abortion.
Reason #1: Rachel’s Vineyard is entirely Christ-centered. Our retreats are not focused on therapeutic techniques, on pop-psychology, or on talking about our traumatic experiences. We begin and end our retreats with a focus on the Lord Jesus Christ — and this focus is present throughout the entire retreat process. Why? Because we believe that Jesus Christ is the Incarnate Son of God, He is the only Savior, and the only Healer. He came to earth to proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven, to proclaim repentance to all peoples, and to heal us of the wounds of sin. We recognize that we have been severely wounded by the “choice,” the sin of abortion, and that the same Lord Jesus who healed the blind, the lame, the lepers and the paralytics of his time, also can and will heal our wounds, if we will only come to Him for healing and forgiveness.
Our Christ-centered approach is fundamental to the success of each Rachel’s Vineyard retreat. Does this mean that everyone who comes on one of our retreats is a practicing, church-going Christian? No — many who come to Rachel’s Vineyard haven’t been inside a church for years, even decades, but they recognize that they are hurting, wounded, and that they cannot heal themselves. A desire to be healed of the wounds that we have suffered from our abortions, a desire to come back to God, to heal a broken relationship with God, or to begin a relationship if we never had one — those are plenty of reasons to join us on a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat. Will you come and experience this unique retreat with us? Will you open your heart to Jesus the Healer, the one who died on the Cross for your sins and mine?
If you are interested in making a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat, please contact us using the “Contact” form on this website. And stay tuned for my next post on “Why Rachel’s Vineyard is effective for healing the wounds of abortion”!