Why Do This in a Group?

We see abortion as a trauma. Traumatic events are often aggravated by the need to keep it a carefully guarded secret whereby the toxic and shameful feelings have no voice. Healing for victims of trauma can be accomplished by establishing safety, reconstructing the trauma story, and restoring the connection between…

How Many People Will be There?

Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreats typically have around 12 participants on each weekend. At some sites the size may be smaller or larger, depending on the facility. The group maintains a small and intimate size to allow each participant time for sharing and processing the exercises together. There is also a…

Who Runs Each Weekend?

Each weekend is composed of a group of people who have been trained in the Rachel’s Vineyard process. They include a team consisting of a professional counselor, women and men who have also experienced abortion, loving and non-judgmental lay volunteers, and a representative of God — a minister or priest.…

How Long are the Weekends?

Most of the Rachel’s Vineyard weekends begin on Friday evening and run until Sunday late afternoon early evening. You are invited to come and spend the entire weekend, have all your meals with us, and in most places, you will have a private room for sleeping, although some places may…