Rachel’s Vineyard of Bowling Green offers weekend retreats for healing after abortion in Western Kentucky, Middle Tennessee, and Northern Alabama. Our retreats are confidential, and are deep experiences of encountering the healing love and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ. They are open to both women and men who have…
Article on Rachel’s Vineyard in Louisville’s Catholic Newspaper
Rachel’s Vineyard was featured in The Record, the weekly newspaper of the Archdiocese of Louisville. Here is the article:
Radio Interview on Healing after Abortion
On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, Fr. Ben Cameron was interviewed on “The Drew Mariani Show” on Relevant Radio on the topic of healing after abortion, and his recent book, Healing the Deepest Wounds: A Pastoral Guide to Abortion, Trauma and Grief. The interview included several people calling in to talk…
Father Ben Cameron on EWTN Bookmark
Our Kentucky team leader, Fr. Ben Cameron, was recently interviewed on “EWTN Bookmark” with Doug Keck. They discussed Fr. Ben’s recent book, Healing the Deepest Wounds: A Pastoral Guide to Abortion, Trauma and Grief. Watch this episode to learn more about our ministry of bringing forgiveness and healing to those…
At Home with Jim and Joy Show
Fr. Ben Cameron, the President of Rachel’s Vineyard of Bowling Green (which conducts Rachel’s Vineyard retreats in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama), was recently on the “At Home with Jim and Joy” show on EWTN. Jim and Joy Pinto interviewed Fr. Ben about his recent book, Healing the Deepest Wounds: A…
EWTN Bookmark Brief
I was recently on EWTN, the Global Catholic Television Network, recording a couple programs about my recent book, Healing the Deepest Wounds: A Pastoral Guide to Abortion, Trauma and Grief. Here is a short video promoting one of the programs where Doug Keck and I discuss the book and the…
Healing the Deepest Wounds
We are pleased to announce the publication of a new book by our Kentucky Rachel’s Vineyard Site Leader, Fr. Ben Cameron. It is a concise introduction to the spiritual and emotional wounds of abortion. In addition to explaining the grief and trauma of abortion, it also addresses both spiritual healing…